
Research and application of visual management of mold production data

  • 摘要: 信息化、可视化和智能化的管理模式已逐渐成为目前制造业的发展方向。针对传统模具制造业人工制表管理效率低下、可视化水平不足等问题,对模具生产过程的可视化管理需求进行研究。基于对注塑模具生产过程的详细分析,设计了生产管理可视化方案,并确定了模具生产计划阶段、生产执行阶段和齐套组装阶段所需的各项核心考核指标;基于Ajax及Echarts可视化技术,实现了模具生产类数据的可视化应用。以某模具企业的注塑模具生产流程为例,通过开发模具生产运维管理系统,能直观地显示模具生产计划的落实情况、模具加工的执行进度、模具的齐套状态,实现模具生产数据的可视化管理与应用。


    Abstract: Informatization, visualization, and intelligent management mode have gradually become the development direction of the current manufacturing industry. Aiming at the problems of low efficiency of manual tabulation management and insufficient visualization level in traditional mold manufacturing industry, the demand for visualization management of mold production process is researched. Based on the detailed analysis of the injection mold production process, the production management visualization program is designed, and the core assessment indicators required for the mold production planning stage, production execution stage, and all-set assembly stage are determined. Based on Ajax and Echarts visualization technology, the visualization application of mold production data is realized. Take the injection mold production process of a mold company as an example, through the development of a mold production operation and maintenance management system, it can visually display the implementation of mold production plans, the execution progress of mold processing, and the complete set of molds, so as to realize the visualization of mold production data management and application.


