
Simulation of machining equidistant profile by orthogonal turning milling

  • 摘要: 等距型面在连接结构中的应用越来越广泛。由于等距型面具有特殊的截面廓形曲线, 一般采用仿形车削或数控车削来进行加工。提出通过正交车铣加工等距型面, 应用UG的加工模块和后处理器对等距型面进行正交车铣加工编程, 建立了虚拟卧式车铣加工中心, 应用VERICUT实现了等距型面正交车铣加工仿真, 并对加工结果进行了比较分析。其结果表明, 正交车铣能较好的完成等距型面的切削加工。


    Abstract: The equidistant profiles are more and more widely used in connection structures. Because the section profile curve of the equidistant profile is special, it is generally processed by copying turning and CNC turning. The equidistant profile machining by orthogonal turning milling is proposed. The UG processing module and the post processor are applied for generating program of machining the equidistant profile by orthogonal turning milling. The virtual horizontal turning milling machining center is established, and it is emulated to machining the equidistant profile by orthogonal turning milling by VERICUT, and the processing results were compared and analyzed.The results show that the equidistant profile can be machined by orthogonal turning milling better.


