
Improved A* path planning algorithm based on stochastic map

  • 摘要: 为解决传统算法在规划AGV(automated guided vehicles)路径时存在的节点多、路径不平滑和拓展范围广等问题,提出了一种改进A*算法。首先,采用栅格法建立环境信息;其次,通过加权后的障碍物比例对启发函数进行改进,同时增加防碰撞函数以降低碰撞概率;最后,对所提出的改进算法进行拐角优化,减少AGV实际作业时的转弯次数。实验数据表明,简单环境下改进A*算法的遍历节点数较两种传统算法分别缩短了85.3%、55.9%;复杂环境下改进A*算法的遍历节点数较两种传统算法缩短94.5%、70.3%。同时拐点数量减少、路径更加平滑、路径规划时间也大幅缩短,提高了运行效率并有效降低碰撞概率。


    Abstract: To address issues such as high node count, non-smooth paths, and wide exploration range encountered by traditional algorithms in automated guided vehicles (AGV) path planning, an improved A* algorithm is proposed. Firstly, a grid-based method is employed in the environmental modeling. Secondly, the heuristic function is enhanced by incorporating a weighted obstacle ratio. Additionally, collision avoidance functions are introduced to mitigate collision risks. Finally, corner optimization is applied to reduce the number of turns during AGV operations. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements. In simple environments, the improved A* algorithm reduces node traversal by 85.3% and 55.9% compared to two traditional algorithms. In complex environment, the number of traversal nodes of the improved A* algorithm is reduced by 94.5% and 70.3%. Moreover, the optimized algorithm decreases the number of corners, ensures smoother paths, shortens planning times, enhances operational efficiency, and effectively lowers collision probabilities.


