
Sliding mode position control of precision direct drive system based on fuzzy disturbance observer

  • 摘要: 为了实现永磁直线同步电机(permanent magnet linear synchronous motor, PMLSM)在精密直驱系统中的高性能位置控制,针对其控制精度易受系统参数摄动和外部扰动等因素影响的问题,提出了一种基于模糊干扰观测器(fuzzy disturbance observer, FDO)的非奇异快速终端滑模控制(nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control, NFTSMC)复合策略。首先,建立了考虑系统集总扰动的PMLSM动力学模型,同时为提高伺服系统鲁棒性能同时削弱抖振现象,引入模糊干扰观测器观测系统集总扰动;然后,设计了非奇异快速终端滑模面,能够保证系统跟踪误差在有限时间内快速收敛至零,并将观测器估计值动态补偿至控制器中;最后,通过精密直驱系统仿真与试验证明所提方法能够有效提高控制系统的响应速度、跟踪精度与鲁棒性,同时削弱抖振现象。


    Abstract: In order to realize the high-performance position control of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) servo system and overcome the problem that it is easily affected by the factors such as system parameter change and external disturbance, a nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode control (NFTSMC) strategy based on the fuzzy disturbance observer (FDO) is proposed. Firstly, the dynamic model of PMSLM with uncertain lumped disturbances is established, and a fuzzy disturbance observer is introduced to observe the lumped disturbance of the system to improve the robustness of the servo system and weaken the chattering phenomenon at the same time. Secondly, a nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode surface is designed which can ensure that the tracking error of the system converges to zero quickly in a finite time, and the estimation of the observer value is compensated to the controller. Finally, it is demonstrated through simulation and experiment that the proposed method can effectively improve the response speed, tracking accuracy and robustness of the control system, and at the same time weaken the chattering phenomenon.


