
Research on the maximum torque per ampere control of brushless doubly- fed machine servo system

  • 摘要: 针对无刷双馈电机在空载和轻载工况运行时存在定子电流大的问题,提出了一种最大转矩电流比(maximum torque per ampere,MTPA)的控制方法。首先,给出无刷双馈电机以控制电机电流源、功率电机电压源作为供电输入的状态空间模型;其次,通过构造拉格朗日辅助函数并强制控制电机定子电流的导数为零推导出MTPA控制律;然后,将MTPA控制与直接反馈控制(direct feedback control, DFC)相结合实现无刷双馈电机(brushless doubly-fed machine, BDFM)的优化控制;最后,通过仿真验证了所提出的MTPA控制方案可以明显减小无刷双馈电机的定子电流,空载情况下控制电机(control machine, CM)定子电流降低98.3%,功率电机(power machine, PM)定子电流降低66%,加载情况下控制电机定子电流降低57.5%,功率电机定子电流降低54%,明显降低系统铜耗并提高电机运行效率。


    Abstract: Aiming at the problem of large stator current of brushless doubly-fed motor under no-load and light-load operating conditions, a control method of the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) was presented. Firstly, the state space model of the brushless doubly-fed machine with the control motor current source and the power motor voltage source as the power supply input is given. Secondly, the MTPA control law is derived by constructing Lagrange auxiliary function and forcing the derivative of stator current of motor to be zero. Thirdly, MTPA control is combined with direct feedback control (DFC) to realize the optimal control of brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM). Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed MTPA control scheme can significantly reduce the stator current of the BDFM, the control machine (CM) stator current is reduced by 98.3% under no-load conditions, the power machine (PM) stator current is reduced by 66%, the CM stator current is reduced by 57.5% and the PM stator current is reduced by 54% under the loading condition, which significantly reduces the copper consumption of the system and improves the operation efficiency of the machine.


