基于等效刚度法的运载火箭网格加筋贮箱 结构仿真与优化

Structure simulation and optimization design on grid reinforced storage tanks for launch vehicles with equivalent stiffness method

  • 摘要: 贮箱是液体火箭的重要组成部分,但传统轻量化设计的有限元模型包含大量筋条细节,网格数量多,难以实现快速设计。首先,基于细长型筋条的承力特点,将周期性排布的筋条等效为包含轴向刚度和剪切刚度的各向异性光筒壳,使用等效刚度法,将各层壳与蒙皮通过刚性连接实现刚度叠加,降低模型规模;其次,依据贮箱壁板设计准则,在其结构参数优化中,通过序列二次规划算法对现有结构进行减重设计,在面对新的设计需求时,采用多岛遗传算法在一轮优化中给出了多种结构形式的较优解;最后,经验证贮箱重量可减小15%~20%。通过与整箱精细模型对比,两者误差在5%以内,表明文章结构仿真与优化建模方法在未来火箭贮箱设计中具有良好的应用前景。


    Abstract: The storage tank is an important component of liquid rockets. However, the finite element model of traditional lightweight design, contains a large number of rib details, and it is difficult to achieve the rapid design with a large number of grids. Firstly, based on the load-bearing characteristics of slender bars, the periodically arranged bars were equivalent to anisotropic cylindrical shells containing axial stiffness and shear stiffness. With equivalent stiffness method, each layer of shell was rigidly connected to the skin to achieve stiffness superposition, and the model size could be reduced. Secondly, according to the design criteria for storage tank wall panels, for the optimization of its structural parameters, the existing structure was designed to reduce weight with sequential quadratic programming algorithm. As facing new design requirements, the multiple island genetic algorithm was adopted to provide optimal solutions for different structure forms in one round of optimization. It's verified the weight of storage container can be reduced by 15%-20%. By comparing with the fine model of the entire storage tank, their deviation is within 5%. The above results indicate the proposed structural simulation and optimization modeling method has good application prospects for the future design of rocket storage tanks.


