
Optimisation of machining parameters for large taper EDM wire cutting based on a new follower guide wire

  • 摘要: 电极丝振动是影响大锥度电火花线切割加工精度的重要因素之一。为提高加工精度,设计一种可实时补偿电极丝移动误差的随动导丝装置。在此基础上,通过单因素试验探索出影响评价指标的关键因素及影响规律。通过4因子4水平16组正交试验,得出各参数组合对评价指标的影响。采用田口法剖析各因子重要性,借助灰色关联法对评价指标实施多目标优化。结果表明,当脉冲宽度为2 μs、脉冲间隙为4 μs、功放管数为2个、运丝速度为3 m/s时工件加工质量更优。经试验对比,使用优化参数加工使工件尺寸总误差降低47.80%,表面粗糙度总平均值降了31.09%,切割速度总平均值提高13.80%。提出的一种新型随动导丝结构为进一步优化电火花线切割加工精度提供了基础。


    Abstract: The vibration of the electrode wire represents a significant factor influencing the precision of large taper EDM wire cutting. In order to enhance the precision of the machining process, a device that can compensate for the movement errors of the electrode wire in real time has been designed. On this basis, the key factors affecting the evaluation index and the influence law are explored through single-factor experiments. The influence of each parameter combination on the evaluation index is derived through 16 groups of orthogonal tests, comprising four factors and four levels each. The Taguchi method was employed to ascertain the relative importance of each factor, while the grey relation analysis was used to optimise the evaluation indexes in a multi-objective framework. The results demonstrate that the quality of workpiece processing is enhanced when the pulse width is 2 μs, the pulse gap is 4 μs, the number of amplifiers is 2, and the wire speed is 3 m/s. The optimised parameters were employed for the machining of workpieces. Following an experimental comparison, it was observed that machining with the optimised parameters resulted in a reduction of the total workpiece size error by 47.80%, the total average surface roughness by 31.09%, and the total average cutting speed by 13.80%. A new follower wire guide structure has been proposed to optimize EDM wire cutting machining accuracy.


