
Trajectory optimization of manipulator based on particle swarm optimization with mutation strategy

  • 摘要: 针对中、重型机械臂工程应用中关节冲击大、运行时间长等问题导致的机械臂工作效率低,以逆运动学理论、多项式插值等为基础,提出一种基于变异策略粒子群算法的机械臂轨迹优化方法,在基本粒子群算法迭代中引入种群变异环节,并对惯性权重等参数进行自适应调整,提高算法收敛速度和精度。提出的方法以最短运行时间为适应度函数,研究不同位置工况下,PUMA560机械臂在“5-5-5”关节空间轨迹模型控制下6关节的角速度、角加速度变化规律;基于变异策略粒子群算法,研究不同位置工况下角速度在−π~π rad/s内机械臂最短运行时间变化规律;以Matlab为仿真平台,模拟2点循环、3点不共线工况下机械臂的运动轨迹,分析最优适应度值、趋于收敛时的迭代次数、关节位姿曲线等。试验结果表明,2点循环作业时间相比于初始规划时间缩短50.01%,3点不共线时间缩短67.83%;相比于基本粒子群算法和自适应粒子群算法,2种工况下最优适应度值均下降,收敛速度分别提升了48.28%和67.77%。2种工况下6关节位姿曲线均连续、无突变,且运行时间缩短。


    Abstract: Aiming at the low working efficiency of medium and heavy duty mechanical arms caused by large joint impact and long running time in engineering applications, a trajectory optimization method of mechanical arms based on the variation strategy particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed based on inverse kinematics theory and polynomial interpolation. Population variation was introduced into the iteration of the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm and parameters such as inertia weight were adjusted adaptively. Improve algorithm convergence speed and accuracy. In this paper, the minimum running time is used as fitness function to study the changes of angular velocity and angular acceleration of 6 joints of the PUMA560 manipulator under the control of the "5-5-5" joint space trajectory model under different position conditions. Based on the mutation strategy particle swarm optimization, the minimum running time of the manipulator is studied in the range of −π-π rad/s under different position conditions. Matlab was used as the simulation platform to simulate the motion trajectory of the manipulator under two-point cycle and three-point noncollinear conditions and to study the optimal fitness value, the number of iterations when converging, joint position and pose curve, etc. The experimental results show that the two-point cycle operation time is reduced by 50.01% and the three-point non-collinear time is reduced by 67.83% compared with the initial planning time. Compared with the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm and adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm, the optimal fitness value decreases and the convergence speed increases by 48.28% and 67.77%, respectively. Under the two conditions, the position and pose curves of 6 joints were continuous, without abrupt change, and the running time was shortened.


