
Study on roughness of internal channel of bearings by tangential turn-milling

  • 摘要: 为探究深沟球轴承内沟道车铣加工代替传统磨削加工的可行性,对切向车铣加工深沟球轴承内沟道进行了研究,基于Matlab提出了一种三维表面粗糙度Sa仿真模型,并进行试验验证,分析对比了铣刀转速、工件转速和每齿进给量对工件三维表面粗糙度的影响规律。结果表明,随着铣刀转速的提高,三维表面粗糙度值减小,随着工件转速的提高和每齿进给量的增大,三维表面粗糙度值增大,试验结果与仿真结果均方根误差为12%,验证了仿真模型的准确性。


    Abstract: To explore the feasibility of replacing traditional grinding processes with tangential turn-milling for the machining of inner grooves in deep groove ball bearings, a study on tangential turn-milling was conducted. The three-dimensional surface roughness simulation model, based on Matlab, was proposed for the surface roughness parameter Sa, and experimental validation was performed. The effects of milling cutter speed, workpiece speed, and feed per tooth on the three-dimensional surface roughness of the workpiece were analyzed and compared. The results showed that as the milling cutter speed increased, the surface roughness decreased. Conversely, as the workpiece speed and feed per tooth increased, the surface roughness increased. The root mean square error between the experimental and simulation results was found to be 12%, confirming the accuracy of the proposed simulation model.


